The Norwegian-Ukrainian cooperation programme


Geography of the projects Geography of the projects

Summary of the projects

Materials of the conference, 27-28 April 2011

Preparation and business planning of climate projects

Norwegian policy on energy and climate change

Activity of the Norsk Energi company on energy and climate change issues

«Clean Production. Norwegian Model» Guidance provided by the Norwegian Society of Chartered Technical and Scientific Professionals Tekna


Electricity production from waste gases of metallurgical plant

Saving millions for industry

Energy utilization technology of dust saturated gases with self-cleaning boiler

Enova will promote the use of waste heat in industry

Power industry is an important competitive advantage

Support for projects on thermal energy and energy efficiency are the most economically viable

Centralized heat supply in Moss: Industrial Ecology in practice

Energy efficiency - the most important "landing on the moon"

Waste incineration plant in Kristiansand comes up with the times

Amounts of waste intended for combustion (1000 tonnes)